About Us


This site is a resource for invited human rights lawyers across India to share strategies and resources and to discuss and connect online. This site is open to invited human rights lawyers across the country. Request an invitation via our contact form—when sending us a message, make sure to include your e-mail address, desired username, and at least two references in the human rights lawyering community.

This site is actively maintained by the Alternative Law Forum (ALF) in Bangalore. ALF was started in 2000 by a collective of lawyers with the belief that there was a need for an alternative practice of law. Over the past few years ALF has grown from being a legal service provider to becoming a space that integrates alternative lawyering with critical research, alternative dispute resolution, pedagogic interventions and more generally maintaining sustained legal interventions in various social issues.

The site contains four major components: The forum provides a place for human rights lawyers in India to post queries, respond to others' posts, and generally share information in a closed environment. The directory is a listing of human rights lawyers across the country. The archive is a collection of resources related to human rights law practice in India. The practice areas section pulls information from each of the previous categories such that it is sorted by legal area. See our FAQ for additional information on how to use the site.

Thanks for visiting. We hope this site is useful to you.